====== 3rd Workshop on Affective Computing and Context Awareness in Ambient Intelligence (AfCAI 2019) ======
===== Date and Venue =====
Two day workshop will be held in Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain, on 11-12 November 2019.
===== Description =====
The objective of the workshop is to bring together people interested in research on affective computing, ambient intelligence, and context aware systems.
We assume a goal-oriented yet multidisciplinary research approach, including computer science, artificial intelligence, biomedical engineering, and experimental sciences.
We consider both fundamental and applied research with participation of companies where possible.
Furthermore, we focus at having working sessions dedicated to identifying opportunities for cooperation and joint project applications.
===== Topics =====
The list of the topics include, but is not limited to:
* Affective Computing (AfC)
* Affective computer games
* Affective social networks
* Affect-based adaptation and personalization in intelligent systems
* Applications of AfC in Ambient intelligence, mobiles and wearables (AmI)
* Context aware systems: affect as context (CaS), affective data and social signals from wearable sensors
* Knowledge Representation for AfC, including semantic methids and ontology engineering
* Data mining and knowledge discovery methods for AfC and AmL
* Opinion Mining and Natural Language Processing for AfC
* Semantic computing and AfC
* Emotive user interfaces
* Gamification of AfC experiments
* Mixed (virtual/augmented) reality environments for affect generation and acquisition
* Models of emotion: computational, psychological, and philosophical
* Cognitive assistants, affect- and context-aware conversational systems
* Smart cities applications of AfC
* Computational social sensing, AfC in social robotics, social cognitive assistants
* Behavioural analysis and conflict resolution
* Ground truth determination of emotion, mood and social signals
===== Chairs =====
Grzegorz J. Nalepa, AGH University of Science and Technology, Jagiellonian University\\
José Manuel Ferrández Vicente, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena\\
José Tomás Palma Méndez, Universidad de Murcia\\
Vicente Julian, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain\\
===== Organizers =====
Javier Garrigos, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena\\
José Javier Martínez, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena\\
José Tomás Palma Méndez, Universidad de Murcia\\
===== Programme Committee (to be finalized) =====
Piotr Augustyniak, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland\\
Martin Atzmueller, Tilgurg University, Netherlands\\
Kerstin Bach, Norwegian University of Science and Technology\\
Costin Badica, University of Craiova, Romania\\
Joachim Baumeister, denkbares GmbH, Universitat Wuerzburg, Germany\\
David Camacho, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain\\
Davide Carneiro, ESTG - Politecnico do Porto, Portugal\\
Carlos Carrascosa, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain\\
Angelo Costa, University of Minho, Portugal\\
Maria Trinidad Herrero Ezquerro, Universidad de Murcia\\
José Manuel Ferrández Vicente, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena\\
Marco de Gemmis, University of Bari Alto, Italy\\
Sergio Gonçalves, University of Vigo, Spain\\
Mirjana Ivanovic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia\\
Vicente Julian, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain\\
Jason J. Jung, Chung Ang University, South Korea\\
Andrej Košir, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia\\
Grzegorz J. Nalepa, AGH University of Science and Technology, Jagiellonian University, Poland\\
Paulo Novais, Universidade do Minho, Portugal\\
José Tomás Palma Méndez, Universidad de Murcia, Spain\\
Juan Pavon, Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain\\
Marie Postma, Tilgurg University, Netherlands\\
Ricardo Ramos, University of Minho, Portugal\\
Manuel Fernando Rodrigues, ESTG - Politecnico do Porto, Portugal\\
Marko Tkalcic, University of Primorska, Slovenia\\
Pawel Wegrzyn, Jagiellonian University, Poland
===== Submission =====
Before the workshop extended abstracts of the talks are expected.\\
We expect the abstracts to be at least 5 pages long in the LNCS including references, figures etc. (this is a requirement for CEUR WS).\\
Please use the Easychair site provided [[https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=afcai2019]]
===== Publication =====
Extended abstracts will be published with CEUR WS after the workshop.
A post workshop publication in a JCR journal of selected extended papers based on the talks given during the workshop and the discussion is planned.
===== Deadlines (tentative) =====
* 2019-09-0416 extended abstracts due
* 2019-09-1623 notification
* 2019-11-11 workshop
===== Schedule =====
Monday 11.11.2019
15:30 Welcome COFFEE BREAK
15:45 Opening AfCAI Chairs
16:00 Joaquin Taverner, Emilio Vivancos, Vicente Botti and Bexy Alfonso Influence of the agent personality on its mood
16:30 Emilio López-Ales, María Trinidad Herrero and Jose Palma A Machine Learning Approach for Emotion Detection Through low-cost Hardware
17:00 Jennifer Sorinas, Jose Manuel Ferrandez and Eduardo Fernandez Perspectives on affective computing for the early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases
18:00 Jan K. Argasiński, Grzegorz J. Nalepa, Paweł Węgrzyn and Paweł Strojny Applying Affective Design Patterns in VR Firefighter Training Simulator
18:30 Ngoc N. T. Doan, Andrius Penkauskas, Ecaterina Grigoriev, Lisa E. Rombout, Paris Mavromoustakos-Blom, Maryam Alimardani and Martin Atzmueller Towards Multimodal Characterization of Dialogic Moments On Social Group Face-to-Face Interaction
19:00 Krzysztof Kutt, Dominika Drążyk, Paweł Jemioło, Szymon Bobek, Barbara Giżycka, Víctor Rodríguez Fernández and Grzegorz J. Nalepa BIRAFFE: Bio-Reactions and Faces for Emotion-based Personalization
20:00 evening get together
Tuesday 12.11.2019
9:30 Jaime Andres Rincon Arango, Angelo Costa, Paulo Novais, Vicente Julián Inglada and Carlos Carrascosa Casamayor An affective personal trainer for elderly people
10:00 David Camacho and Raquel Menéndez Ferreira A Gamification approach for education on values: results from a pilot study
10:30 Martin Atzmueller Towards Socio-Technical Design of Explicative Systems Enabling Transparent, Interpretable and Explainable Data Analysis in Social Interaction Contexts
11:00 Barbara Giżycka, Paweł Jemioło, Sebastian Domarecki, Krzysztof Świder, Mateusz Wiśniewski and Łukasz Mielczarek A Thin Light Blue Line - Towards Balancing Educational and Recreational Values of Serious Games
12:00 Wrap up & project planning
14:00 LUNCH
16:00 Summary and farewell
===== Venue =====
The workshop will take place in the building of UPCT in the city center, next to the Museo Naval.
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas UPCT (former Cuartel de Instrucción de Marina)
GPS: 37.59818, -0.98743
The workshop will be held in the Poniente room located on the top floor. The building main entrance is opposite to the port (the entrance on the port facade is a museum). The room is located on the facade facing the port. You will enjoy a beautiful sight for the Cartagena Bay.
How to reach Cartagena: https://www.upct.es/contenido/universidad/localizacion.php
Cartagena Tourism Office: https://turismo.cartagena.es/index.asp?idioma=2